Tag Archives: butter

Bhutanese Cows – Series 2

A set of video images of calves in rural Bhutan

Format: DV 720×576

[wp_cart:Bhutanese Cows – Series 2:price:0:end]

Cows are mainly used for milk production in rural Bhutan. For Hindus cows are sacred, a provider of food and symbol of life.

Cows provide an abundance of important products, including milk, browned butter for lamps, and fuel from dried dung. Bulls are used for breeding and for pulling ploughs.

Milk and milk products make a sizeable part of the income of small scale farmers as well as contributing to a healthy diet for children and adults alike.

Non milk producing cows may be slaughtered for meat, so beef in Bhutan, coming from old livestock, can often be rather tough .

Bhutanese Cows – Series 1

A set of video images of calves in rural Bhutan

Format: DV 720×576

[wp_cart:Bhutanese Cows – Series 1:price:0:end]

Cows are mainly used for milk production in rural Bhutan. For Hindus cows are sacred, a provider of food and symbol of life.

Cows provide an abundance of important products, including milk, browned butter for lamps, and fuel from dried dung. Bulls are used for breeding and for pulling ploughs.

Milk and milk products make a sizeable part of the income of small scale farmers as well as contributing to a healthy diet for children and adults alike.

Non milk producing cows may be slaughtered for meat, so beef in Bhutan, coming from old livestock, can often be rather tough .

Bhutanese Butter Lamps – Series 2

A set of video images of butter lamps from Bhutan.

Format: DV 720×576

[wp_cart:Bhutanese Butter Lamps – Series 2:price:0:end]

Butter lamps are a conspicuous feature of Buddhist temples and monasteries throughout the Bhutan. The lamps traditionally burn clarified yak butter.

Each morning lighted butter lamps are offered, representing the illumination of wisdom along with bowls containing pure water which help to focus the mind and aid meditation

To gain merit pilgrims supply lamp oil to the monks in the monastery who manage the actual lamps, which for safety are sometimes restricted to a separate courtyard enclosure with a stone floor.